Dream 006

  • Tags: school, religion, gore, violence, horror.
  • Time: Exact date unknown, afternoon to evening.
  • Location: A school that l’ve never visited in real life but feels very familiar in the dream.
  • Characters: Myself, several classmates, a male teacher.

I was seated towards the back of the classroom. The teacher (a middle-aged man) was conducting a ritual that seemed religious in nature with a female classmate, claiming it would help expel the impurities from her body. Everyone was curious and eager to see how he would handle it, but to our shock, in the very next moment, he punched the female classmate in the face.He then began relentlessly beating her, focusing mainly on her face, punching and kicking her repeatedly. The female classmate cried out in pain and tried to stop him, but the teacher chanted, insisting, “This is for your own good.” Some students started stepping in to stop him.

Looking back at the keywords, I still can’t remember more details, but I’ll document it anyway.

Keywords: religion / hitting a girl / helping her? / escaping to report to the police / he was at the police station / people trampling each other in a dance studio / my younger brother is still inside / typing is inconvenient with a watch / encountering the teacher on the street / touching my face / disappearing / the teacher disappears and reappears / shrinking / returning to the classroom for lessons / textbook errors / the sentences written by the teacher were all the last words he spoke before his death.