Dream 003

  • Tags: Friends, eerie, gory.
  • Time: Exact date unknown, nighttime.
  • Location: Unknown, Friend A’s house.
  • Characters: Me, Friend A, Friend B, Friend C (and about ten people in total).

A group of us returned from shopping, carrying loads of bags that ended up scattered everywhere, leaving the place in complete disarray. As we were debating which movie to watch, a loud pounding suddenly came from outside the door-bang, bang, bang, an incessant hammering.

Everyone was startled. How did that person even get past the front door? Because now, they were banging on the room door…

We barely had time to process what was happening. If no one blocked the door soon, that person was going to break in. I dashed forward to hold the door shut, and the others quickly followed to help.

“Ah!” someone screamed. I looked down and saw a hand reaching through the gap under the door, frantically clawing at the air.The person outside was pushing themselves into the room with an almost maniacal force.I never realized the gap under the door could be so wide-half their upper body was nearly through! Their torso was riddled with scrapes, with thin streaks of blood appearing all over.

Even with so many of us, we couldn’t stop one person from forcing their way in through a door gap…

“Isn’t this (someone’s name)’s dad?!” Friend A exclaimed. Just as those words left their mouth, the person outside, now covered in blood, was standing right in front of us.He stood there motionless, staring blankly ahead. Blood poured from his eyes, nose, ears, and every other orifice on his body.

Nobody uttered a sound. We stood frozen, silently facing this grotesque and utterly terrifying scene.